The Smell
Isn’t the Worst Part
Skunks on your property can be a nightmare. Skunks dig under buildings and foundation openings. This can cause major structural damages to your Park City home or business. Skunks are known for their odor, but they also carry diseases such as rabies. Pest Elimination Inc. has the knowledge to deal with skunk spraying and safe removal. If you have skunks on your property, give us a call.
Skunks are hard to remove if you don’t have the proper equipment and skill.
Skunk Identification
Skunks are interesting creatures. They are pretty but are also hazardous to your health and property. They usually come out at night to rummage for food. Pest Elimination Inc. of Park City has some facts below to help you better understand skunks.
Schedule Your
Fill out our form to get started on scheduling your Pest Elimination consultation to find out what we can eradicate for you!
Schedule Your
Fill out our form to get started on scheduling your Pest Elimination consultation to find out what we can eradicate for you!
Skunk Removal
Skunk removal isn’t a walk in the park. It can be incredibly hard to remove skunks, once they find proper shelter and a food source. Luckily, Pest Elimination Inc. knows the proper way to remove skunks from your Park City property. We use traps and our knowledge of the species to catch and remove the skunks safely. If you have skunks on your property, it is best to call a professional immediately. Skunks can cause major health problems, as well as, spray you with their foul fluid. For more information on skunk removal and skunk proofing your home, give us a call.
We service the Wasatch Back and neighboring cities!